August 9, 2009

Nashville Bound

For the last three weeks I have been moping around my psychotically clean house, cringing at the sound of Jessie packing and consistently reminding him of all the reasons why it is completely asinine to leave Boulder. Does he not remember how big my hair can get in that kind of humidity? Who will entertain us if we can't sit on Pearl Street and watch all the characters pass by? The dogs will surely hate us when they discover leash laws, not to mention flees. And do you recall seeing the mountains out your window in Nashville, because I don't?!

But for every "con" I throw at him he has a more valid "pro," and so despite my tantrums, we are Nashville bound. Finally tonight, I've begun to wrap my tired brain around the fact that this is not the end of the world, but the path that has been layed out for us by someone much wiser than me. And as things continue to fall into place and opportunities arise, it is becoming more evident that this is not the worst part of a very hard year, but the start of a new season.

So, on that note, I am very excited about once again having air conditioning (it was 89 degrees in my office the other day.) I cannot wait to get some Mexican food (it's way better in Tennessee - I made Jessie leave the first Mexican restaurant I went to in Boulder due to the subpar cheese dip situation - it's true.) And even though I'm sure I'll leave a little bit of my heart in Boulder, a lot more of my heart is there. So bring on the southern accent and frizzy hair, we are coming home! And, I *might* even help pack a box tonight...

1 comment:

Tabitha said...

That's what I'm talking about!!! And I like your frizzy hair :)