May 11, 2010

Photos for the Flood!

A little over a week ago Nashville received a devastating amount of rain in just two days. Many lives were lost and thousands were changed forever. But rather than seeing a city dwell in tragedy, I have seen a city rise to meet the occassion. The love and generosity that has flowed from the community since the flood is absolutely unmeasurable. And now the photography community is coming together to help in the best way we know how - through pictures! Please join us next weekend in a fun way to raise money for the great organizations dedicated to rebuilding our city. We will also be collecting food for Second Harvest Food Bank both days, so bring your {undented} cans!

Thank you Sarah for all your hard work getting this organized. We appreciate you!!!

After the flooding in our wonderful state, I'm sure many of you want to help those affected by flood. Maybe you have already, or are unable to roll up your sleeves or you were affected, too.

Please join me, my favorite ice cream shop- Pied Piper Creamery and my fellow photographer friends in a benefit for the victims of the flooding.

The sessions are 20 minutes (booked every 30 min) from 9 AM- 5 PM on Saturday and from 10 AM-6 PM on Sunday.
100% of the proceeds will go to the Nashville Area Red Cross and Hands On Nashville.

There are NO rules for this shoot- take advantage of the talent, folks- this could easily be your engagement photo, 1 year pictures, updated family photo, senior picture, pet portrait... Just know that you have 20 minutes. :)

Bring some props, bring a friend, bring a giving attitude!!!

Pied Piper Creamery will be donating 25% of their profits from this weekend to these organizations as well. So grab a homemade waffle cone and a homemade icecream for the road, for bribery, whatever ;)

Here are a list of the incredible talents donating their time:

Abby Gray

Amber Vongsamphanh

Andrea Behrends

Jessica Winn

Kate Crafton

Kristen England

Melanie McLellan

Sara Rose

Shea Halliburton


And Photographers standing by :)

Andrew McMurtie

Heather Latimer

Kreslyn Ruckman

Phil Thorton

Whitney Carlson

(if you are a photographer and want to be added to the list, e-mail Sarah at