June 30, 2009

Mr. O Arrived!

I still can't believe all eight pounds of him was hiding in this little belly! I was blessed with the best babies last week. Mr. O was all sweet and squishy and chubby {my fav}, there was no crying {really}, and no one pooped on me {yay}! However, I can't report that this lovely white duvet had the same good fortune. What can I say, we were asking for trouble! All in the name of art...

June 22, 2009

The Good and the Bad

I have been a bad little blogger for the last month, so I'm trying to redeem myself this week! Staying true to {I Hate You} 2009, June has brought more gloom. It seems that the bad news comes from every direction, almost every day. For now I'm holding out for my birthday in August to bring a new season I like to call Easy Street and lift this ginormous black cloud that has been hovering. But, in efforts to cheer myself up in the meantime, I will send some sort of wonderful prize to the reader who leaves the best "Good News" comment. And it must be real good news! No fabrications! And for your viewing pleasures, a little baby belly and a lot of love.

June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Tuesday morning I got up bright and early and walked up the hill to the hippo house. I had gotten a call the previous week from a mom wanting to surprise her husband with pictures of their boys for Father's Day. When she started giving me directions, I new exactly where she lived. Who can miss the pretty blue house on top of the hill with a big hippo head hanging over the front door to greet you? I knew it was going to be a fun shoot! The boys were awesome and so adorable, and I left with fresh lettuce to plant in my garden and a cute little abandoned bird nest that we found. So, surprise to the dad of the hippo house! I hope you have a very happy Father's Day. And happy Father's Day to my dad too! {This is a test to see if you're reading my blog on a regular basis.} :)

To Daddy-
You are so awesome. Thank you for being such a terrific daddy! We love you!
The {boys}

June 18, 2009

June Gloom

Rain, rain go away
You're making it very hard to get through sessions
And your lightening
Tried to strike me the other day