She likes country music, she likes her dad's belly, and you can only call her princess if it is followed in some way by that she doesn't get a big head! And this girl really likes to poop. How the sheep skin rug and I managed to dodge it, I don't know! Must have been my lucky day. She is the sweetest little ball of love though. I wanted to cuddle with her more than I wanted to take her pictures.
There's nothing about her that's shabby. She's stunning. But her session was full of variety, little bit of shabby, plenty of chic, just like her life. Bouncing back and forth between Europe and the States, she and her husband are living the dream. At least my dream! Though the lack of ice, Mountain Dew and ranch dressing can drive a girl a little nutty after awhile, I think my arm could be twisted into living in Europe half of the year. I'm just saying, if you need me to be your full time photographer, I'll come with you! :)
Last Friday it was just the girls, well except for the little boy hiding in the belly. This *beautiful* little girl got to play dress up, run around the house in her undies, and snuggle with her mom. It's a good thing she has a brother on the way to fight off all the boys that are going to be chasing her around soon!
This cutie was over 9 pounds when he was born, so at 4 weeks old he had the cutest chunky legs and round belly! His mom seems completely smitten with him and does such a wonderful job of making him a happy little guy. She has the sweetest, soothing voice that puts him right at ease.