February 17, 2009

The Highs and Lows of a Tuesday

Today has been an interesting day. Got to hang out with a sweet little boy named Caleb this morning (pics coming soon)! Managed to make lunch without leaving the stove on for hours. This is apparently my new thing. Sometimes I fear for the lives of the dogs. I really shouldn't be left here alone all day. And THEN, I was doing the dreaded. Vacuuming my stairs. With my new Dyson no less {that never loses suction-I can vouch for this,} and as I bent over to grab the cord, the Dyson grabbed me! A big hunk of my hair to be exact. Sucked it right into the little stair attachment and wrapped it all around until the vacuum was trying to suck in the rest of my head. Would not recommend it. The hair sucking that is. And so it goes. I am reminded daily of my shoddy attempts at domesticating myself. Here's to tomorrow...

What that little story has to do with this beautiful pregnant woman, I do not know. Maybe it's the little voice in the back of my head that says I need to remember to turn off the stove and master the art of vacuuming before I have a baby of my own. Knowing all that I know about pregnancy, I'm constantly left in awe of it. It's such a beautifully complicated miracle, and I'm so glad that I get to document it. I hope you enjoy!

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