$1.37 an hour.
As I saw the cold hard truth come through on the calculator I found myself contemplating if it was worth it. I mean sure, I'm glad I was able to do my small part in stimulating the economy and keeping Nikon, Apple and Adobe in business, but what about my economy? Quick calculations started adding up in my head about the vacations I could have taken had I not bought that better lens, gone to that workshop, upgraded to that monitor. Had I stayed at the old day job, I'd be how far ahead?! But the answer is ABSOLUTELY. Every single bit of this grueling, scary, expensive, exhausting, mind boggling, AWESOME, freedom filled year has been nothing but rewarding. I have met so many amazing people through the clients I've worked with and the photographers who have taught me or learned along side me. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I'll admit making less than minimum wage isn't so impressive, but nothing beats saying goodbye to the alarm, working in pajamas, having as many coffee breaks as I want, when I want (and the added benefit of being able to pee more than once in a 12 hour day), and of course, finally doing what I really, really love.
In light of this feat, I think I might go treat myself to a little something special - maybe from the dollar menu. Can't blow the budget! And, I also like to give a lot of thanks to the corporate world and my darling husband who works there. I obviously couldn't have done any of this if he wasn't such a trooper getting up at 5:30 to do whatever business people do. But, don't feel too bad for him. I went to see him at work a few weeks ago, and I found him in the lobby hanging out with his BFFAW's. They seemed to be working really hard...

Ok, so it was Halloween, but oh my gosh, I have never seen a company party like this! The only one I ever bothered to attend sent me home through a blizzard with food poisoning! But, this was SO FUN! Props to Mars Petcare for being the coolest corporate world ever! It kind of made me want to apply just so I could hang out with all these creative people! Parties aside, any business that has aspen trees as their decor and let's your dog hang out with you all day is AWESOME.