March 24, 2009

New Love

This family came along at the perfect time. Will was 4 weeks old when we had our session, and it was a great excuse for me to quit moping around with Scotch, put on something that didn't resemble pajamas and go have fun! I love watching new parents get to know their baby. It's crazy to think how much parents love their baby the first second they lay eyes on them...the I couldn't live without you for another second even though we've only just met love. And it doesn't matter how tired or bewildered anyone might be, that same wonderful, goose bumpy love always shines right through. And that's just what happened this day. While I got to watch theses parents beam at their new baby, Will posed for us like a perfectly sleepy 3 day old - though I'm sure he was thinking he was much too grown up for these shenanigans and why in the world did I keep taking off his diaper?

1 comment:

nansu said...

"Isn't he lovely...isn't he wonderful..." a little angel from heaven above! What a precious family! These photos reveal the miracle.